A lucid dream based on anger.
Lately I’ve been having a hard time dealing with my mother. The relationship between us is a bit loose, in the sense that she is a person I like and dislike at the same time… It’s complicated…
It often happens that her presence alone annoys me to no end, as she can be pleasant. Yes, yes, my life has been complicated since the moment I came out of the belly. But since I’m making my dreams come true, it makes up for it LOL
I find myself in what seems to be my house in my dream, with my mother talking to me (I don’t remember what she was saying). She is annoying me to no end.
I don’t know how, but I realize that I am dreaming. I say to myself: “she came out of my head”.
Suddenly, in anger, I yell at her and tell her to shut up. I expected her to answer me, but instead she put her head down. I told her clearly that she was a thing out of my head, still with no response from her.
Wanting to get rid of it, I called Flageounet. I said to call him in an authoritative tone: ” Mind Flayer ! Make her disappear! “.
I expected him to appear to my right, in the form of the Mental Flageelleur from Stranger Things, but he did not. My mother disappeared and the environment around me began to fade away, leaving a white background. I tried to hold on to Flageounet saying “wait”, but nothing could be done. The world was disappearing and I woke up.
I woke up, without asking too many questions. I was very tired and went back to sleep quickly.
There is not much to say, except that my inner world was clearly expressing itself on the current situation, physical fatigue not helping either… but no worries on that, as I am already dealing with the situation with my mother in reality as I write this story.
>>> Tag : Anger, tiredness